Week 8: Training Your Dragon
Week 8 Class Recording
Week 8 Homework
Daily Practices:
Every day, notice an instance where you are feeling down or triggered - any time that you’re feeling a way that you’d rather not be feeling - go through the following practice. You can use the guidance, or do it on your own using the following steps:
Observe with curiosity
Get familiar with the subtleties of the feelings and sensations
Send love, compassion and space to expand
Ask if there’s any expression that would like to happen within that compassionate space
Thank you body for teaching you
Ground back into the parts of your body that are supporting your weight on the earth
Use this recording to do this practice with guidance:
Writing Exercise:
What are you learning from this? What are your observations? Do you find it easy or difficult to connect to the felt sensations of these unpleasant states of being?
Week 8 Q&A