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Week 10: Harmonizing With The Voice

Week 10 Class Recording

Week 10 Homework

Daily Practices:

  1. Connect with your voice by singing your full name while looking in the mirror. This is preferably done with a drum or rattle, but can be done without if you don't have one. Connect with the feeling of your heart space and your root as you sing your name. Call on the power of your voice to come through your heart as a clear channel for the creation of your heart’s truest desires here on Earth. Play with singing your name in different tonalities for 10-15 minutes every day. A demo of this practice can be found in the class recording above.

  2. Practice connecting deeply to the body and vocalizing in response to the energies in the body that are calling for your attention. You can follow along with the practice that starts at 1:10:20 in the recording above. As you become comfortable with the practice, begin doing it on your own, allowing your body to guide the pace of the practice. This should take 15-20 minutes per session.

Writing Exercise:

Please reflect on your earliest memories of using your voice. When you were young, did you feel empowered to ask for what you wanted or did you tend to stay silent? What kind of response did you receive from your caretakers when you did use your voice to express or ask for what you wanted/needed?  What were you taught about what was ok to express and what was not ok to express? Was expressing beliefs and opinions not aligned with those of your caretakers accepted or met with rejection? Was using your voice to ask questions encouraged or shut down? If you have specific memories that are coming through when reflecting on these questions, write them down. How do you feel these early experiences shape how you currently allow yourself to use your voice? Are there ways that you would like to change how you currently use your voice to be more aligned with your authenticity?

Week 10 Q&A

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