Greetings, Family, and Happy New Year! If your year is off to the same start mine has been, then it may seem as if January has been going on for quite some time already. This isn't entirely unexpected as 2024 is the Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology and a Universal Year 8 in numerology. We can expect this year to be a potent power year, with plenty of opportunities for positive change in our lives. However, we will also be asked to stand face to face with all we are carrying inside that is preventing us from stepping into the fullness of our power.
For me, personally, I've already been asked this year to look at places I've been giving my power away, and to reflect on the quality of the power I want to cultivate in my life and the lives of those around me. It is clear by looking around in our society that personal power in and of itself is not related to a person's "goodness," self awareness, or interest in creating a more harmonious reality for all. In fact, we often relate large amounts of personal power to more negative aspects of the human experience and go to great lengths to limit the power of any individual or entity. There are clear reasons for doing this, but when we turn this around and begin reflecting internally, many of us will find that the power we fear the most is our own.
The concept of fearing our own power may be foreign to many of us, but I encourage you to begin asking yourself where you are giving your power away. Where do you have anxiety about the power other people or institutions have over your livelihood? Where are you seeking answers outside of yourself instead of listening to your own inner knowing? Where are you putting your trust in others over trusting your intuition? Where are you carrying the belief of not being good enough to be, to do, or to have whatever it is you want in your life? These feelings and behaviors relate to our relationship with our own personal power, and can point us toward deeply hidden core beliefs about our own self-worth.
That being said, we hide our true power from ourselves for good reason. We humans are multidimensional, infinite, and all powerful beings at the soul level, and as we step into more of that limitless power potential, we increase our abilities to effect change in our environment. Power in and of itself is neither harmonious nor disharmonious, it just is. It creates and destroys with no judgment. While this non-dualistic nature is perfect in higher levels of reality, it is important to respect that we currently live in an existence of duality and that what we create with our personal power has real effects on our own lives and the lives of others. That's quite a responsibility, isn't it? Most of us are drawn towards creating realities for ourselves and those around us that are more harmonious, joyful, and abundant, but this is quite challenging when we carry so much conflict and judgment within our subconscious. Since we create our reality through both our conscious and subconscious minds we must also unpack and reprogram our subconscious beliefs and patterning that are causing us to continue creating realities of disharmony and suffering.
We have created quite the confusing labyrinth of a game for ourselves here in this human existence, where the beliefs we carry subconsciously prevent us from creating the reality that is most aligned with our soul's essence. Our soul knows this and we've purposely designed ourselves in such a way as to limit our personal power until we achieve a state of consciousness that allows us to create in alignment with our true nature, in a way that is harmonious for ourselves and all beings. We can spend our whole lives seeking and uncovering layer after layer, story after story, mystery after mystery, but there will always be more to uncover. There is, however, a secret passageway out, and that is love. Not the love that comes from the ego - I love you, but... No, the love that unlocks the secret door is unconditional. It loves all that exists in fullness, without judgment. It is the kind of love that can not come through the mind, only through the body. It is not a rational concept, but is a direct connection to the vibration of source.
Unconditional love is our only true power. All other power is an illusion and that which is created from it will eventually be destroyed. Power that comes through a foundation of unconditional love is eternal, and will naturally create realities here on earth that are harmonious and align with our divine nature. It sounds easy, doesn't it? Maybe it can be someday in the near future. However, most of us living on this earth today have bodies and nervous systems that are programmed with various distortions of the vibration of unconditional love. Cultivating and grounding in the true vibration of unconditional love takes some work in this now moment, some re-education of our physical bodies to re-align to our divine blueprint.
I hope and pray that you will make the commitment this year to step into your true power, the power that comes through unconditional love. This path will look different for each person, as we are all unique expressions of love. This path requires you to look deeply at everything you are not yet holding with unconditional love, all cast off parts of self and embodied judgements, but as soon as you commit to this path, it is already done. All that is left to do is trust yourself and put one foot in front of the other, day after day. Some of you might choose to walk this path with me, some of you might choose to walk this path with another person or group, some of you might choose to walk this path alone for now. Whatever you choose, always remember to follow your heart, for it will lead you home.
I wish you all a transformative 2024, filled with true power that comes through the heart.
With all my Love,