Photo Credit:@somoscreative
We recently had our first Plant Medicine retreat of the year in Mt. Shasta, recognized by many as the root chakra of the Earth. This was a beautiful way to move into the Chinese New Year of the Dragon, and it brought a lot of clarity to me around the ancient codes that are being activated in the bodily energy centers connecting us to this Earth. Much of humanity carries subconscious conflicts with our lower chakra energy centers - solar plexus, sacral, and root. Although more of the population is becoming aware of this, not many understand the importance of these energy centers in being able to ground higher vibrational frequencies into this physical earth plane. These energy centers are the ones that connect us to the Earth, and carry the instincts and information that allow us to survive and thrive on this planet. They are our centers for reproduction, creative power, pleasure, fear, financial abundance, and sense of self-worth. Because much of society and spirituality has long demonized or at the very least placed low importance on all of these experiences and abilities (other than reproduction within the confines of what is "respectable"), we have by and large remained disconnected from that which would allow us to embody our divine nature here on Earth.
There are books worth of information to dive into around these energy centers and their importance in our existence and the planetary changes happening right now, but I think we can condense it into three main categories: power, pleasure, and creativity. Today, I'd like to stay on the theme from my last blog post and speak about power - specifically the role of personal power for those of us who are here to be of service in the ascension of planetary consciousness. I often speak about our body being a temple or a home for our soul to reside in, but I was recently introduced to the term "vessel way" to describe those of us who came to be a clear channel for the divine here on Earth. This term really resonated with me because it is such a beautiful way to describe those of us that are waking up to the truth of this mission. For those of us that fall into this category of being vessels (many of us haven't yet realized, or are just realizing this about ourselves), there is a coding in us to be of service, and to put the needs of the collective before our own needs. The problem is that we have been serving inorganic structures that drain and deplete our life force energy rather than developing a clear line to our soul so that we can receive instructions to serve in a way that is regenerative for ourselves and the planet.
So, what does this have to do with personal power? If we are here to be instruments of divine will, why spend time cultivating personal power and healing our relationship with our lower chakra energy centers? Isn't the power of divine will enough? Well, not really. That's why we're here in human bodies. Divine will has to flow through a vessel that's grounded in this reality - that's why we have to be here in a human body for this particular task. As far as I know, we are the only species on the planet that can use our free will to bring the divine will that comes from the god spark of our soul into these lower energy centers and ground it into the earth. However, doing this effectively requires calling back your personal power from all the inorganic structures and timelines that are draining the life force energy of your body. We also need to awaken any personal power that we have shutdown out of fear that it was not safe to embody. As we are working to increase and embody our personal power, we must also set clear intentions for our free will to align with divine will, with the will of our highest soul self. In this way, we are increasing our power to effect change in this physical reality while strengthening our connection to source, creating a reality where we are a conduit for planetary ascension to higher vibrational frequencies. This is the meaning of "we are the medicine." We cannot be an effective medicine by playing small though. Now is the time to trust ourselves enough to call back and embody the fullness of our creative power.
The trust that is required for this process to happen lives in the body. It requires us to re-establish a heart-centered loving connection with our lower energy centers, physically, energetically, and emotionally. Plant medicines and energy work can assist with clearing old energetic attachments and activating new codes, but we must also develop a consistent, grounded practice of connecting, listening and sending lots of love to our body and all the feelings, sensations, and emotions that it carries. Only when we resolve the conflict held in our body can energy start to flow through us freely. This is where consistent somatic and nervous system work is crucial. I do believe that we are in a time of transition where many dense vibrational energies that have been part of the earthly experience will be transmuted into something different. However, this can only happen if we resolve conflict with these energies in their current form - what we resist persists. As we draw down and embody higher levels of consciousness, we will actually no longer need the support of these lower vibrational energies, but during this period of transition they are still supporting us. This is a time to repair our relationship with these energies so that when the time comes we can send them back to source permanently with love and gratitude. I believe that if we can reach this stage as a collective that these lower vibrational self-preservation energies (fear, hate, greed, anger, etc.) will actually be transmuted for the entire planetary consciousness - for all life on planet Earth, not just humans. As we move through this process, the greater our own personal power, the greater impact we will have on the energy fields of everything around us. Claim the fullness of your personal power and align your free will with the will of the divine. The New Earth is ready to be birthed, but it can only happen through us. Remember who you are. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. You are the one.