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Death by Transformation

Transformation, by definition, is to change from one form or structure into another. Ultimately, this means that through transformation, there will be a loss of the previous form or structure. Without this change, no transformation can occur. When we are on a path of personal and spiritual growth, the more that we commit to the path, the more transformation we will undergo. What this often times feels like in our day to day lives is constantly being asked over and over again to allow parts of ourselves to die . Over time, I've come to see these not so much as deaths of parts of myself so much as loss of a familiar energy form due to its transformation into a different form that is more aligned to my current trajectory rather than my past experiences.

However, this reframing doesn't prevent the feelings of loss and the intensity of being asked to let go of something that has served you well for a very long time. Make no mistake, although beautiful, this is an intense process.  It's almost like a death and a birth happening at the same time. Only through allowing the outdated aspects of ourselves to to die, can they be rebirthed into new aspects that are supportive to the life that we are calling in. As joyful as the new birth is, there is also the grieving period for what we are allowing to pass, to be transformed. Holding space for this grieving is an important part of the process, and helps allow us to fully appreciate the support that these transforming energies gave us in their previous form. 

Much density and core beliefs that are rooted in lack and fear, are coming up to be transformed into something new, something easier, lighter, with less conflict and more harmony. Some see this as a great purge, but I see it not so much a purge as a great alchemy - an integration of the parts of ourselves we have cast off due to fear, shame, and lack. Through the alchemy rather than the purge, we become the medicine that humanity needs to heal and expand it's collective consciousness. Through this integration and alchemy, we can see these energies in their old form as the support that we needed in our old state of reality. In order to flourish in denser states, we require denser energies to support our life form. As we move into lighter states, we require lighter energies to support our lifeform. However, we cannot permanently transition to a lighter state simply through casting off denser energies, as these energies are also aspects of self. 

This is why it is so important to accept all parts of ourselves, to hold all aspects of our experience in love and acceptance. That which we continue to label as seperate from ourselves and to cast out cannot be transformed into a more aligned frequency. Transformation happens through conscious awareness, love, and acceptance. It happens through holding a mirror of unconditional love up to every aspect of self that presents to remind it of its true nature, helping to soften its grip on its current form so that it may transform back to its original blueprint. Through softening into the intensity of letting go and the contractions of new birth, we can learn to allow more flow and ease into this time of transition, creating space for joy and pleasure as we give birth to ourselves again and again in this body and this lifetime.

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Jun 05, 2024

Well put, the alchemy vs purging. I find a certain sense of loss in not wanting a crutch that helped me get on for so long that it became a part of me. To view it as a transformation as opposed to a "letting go" is very helpful.

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